Audition Information for
What Do You Do With An Idea?
A World Premiere Musical!
SEEKING: For WHAT DO YOU DO WITH AN IDEA, we are seeking youth performers ages 10-18. All performers should prepare a song of two minutes or less to be sung a capella (without accompaniment), and dress for movement. We seek a diverse cast and encourage actors of all ethnicities, cultures, gender identities, socioeconomic status and (dis)abilities to audition.
Directed by Melanie Salmon-Peterson
Auditions are by appointment only.
Please contact our Audition Coordinator Emily Sullivan by emailing about any accommodations you may need for your upcoming audition with us. We are happy to provide materials in advance, large print scripts, or other requests as needed. Just ask!
IMPORTANT: Health & Safety Statement for What Do You Do With An Idea?
For this production, all those auditioning must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by their assigned audition date. During auditions and rehearsals, all performers & Stages staff will be required to wear a face mask. We are limiting audition groups to a maximum size of 10 performers per timeslot. Families will be asked to fill out an online audition form after receiving an audition appointment, to help decrease the number of person-to-person interactions at auditions. We request that parents/guardians drop off their performer for their audition outside of the main entrance to the HCA if possible, to limit the number of people in the building. At this time, we are not allowing performers to greet the audience in the lobby post performance.